Friday, January 26, 2007

La vie de l'autre

I was a grade five teacher for one year. I did not like it; yet, I was compelled to be a teacher. I was not able to see to God force in the children before because I was not able to see the God force in myself. I was the imposter. I knew I couldn't do this job. I told myself it was because I needed more intellectual stimulation but it was the reason I needed to tell myself so I could do more work on myself, find the God force that animated my tissue. Now that I see it in myself, there is nothing more I want to do but to create a space for the children to experience there God force and I want to learn from them. I want to be a witness of the process of having body and soul resonating at high vibrations.
I will be the space provider.
But it's the kids in the school that will build the school.

C'est la vie de l'autre
celle que je tiens entre mes doigts
J'ai le pouvoir de la modeler
tout comme je modèle ma vie
Je suis certaine que tu es présent
que tu es au rendez-vous
et je te vois
Je n'enlèverai pas mes yeux
sur l'immensité qui se trouve en ton sein
Je ne modèlerai pas ta vie
Je la laisserai se modeler

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