Friday, July 13, 2007

No story

I am going to Kauai in a few weeks to see Laura and receive a two week personal HUNA intensive. This all came about when I decided not to take the job at Acadia and when my class got cancelled. It just happenned, it felt like there was no options, this is what I am suppose to do now, regardless. I don't know what is in store for me there and after but it feels immense. Since my decision to go, my body has been going through this cleansing and I found myself getting physically stronger. In yoga, which I just started last month, and had never done it before, I can do these really intense poses. I feel like I am regaining my childhood flexibility.

A few days ago, I received a Reiki treatment from my friend Rachel and I combined my intentions with hers and the amount of release that happened within both of us was huge. After the treatment, I was looking at her talk and I could see her throat chackra very clearly. It was vibrating with her words.

I just watched the movie The Last Mimzy. It made me cry to see the little girl so strong and confident in who she was and what she had to do. I believe children know what is best for them, for us and for the world.

Some would say my son is going through his terrible twos but all he is doing is becoming aware of the limitations that I, and this world, have and are putting on to him. All he wants to do is live, be a creative being at every breath he takes. And he has what it takes to live like that, I am the one stopping him, with the way things should be.

How far can I go? How much can I let go of culturally conditioned belief? And at what pace? I feel everytime I take a big leap and shed beliefs, everything accelerates. It feels right now faster than I have ever felt, yet, I know that next week, I will feel like it is more than now.

If you are reading this and you don't know about Fire the grid, have a look at this website.

Please take some time on Tuesday to share your love with mother earth.
I think this is going to be another quantum leap for the universe and things will only get clearer and faster after.

This is my declaration of this moment.

“I am love and I will make no excuse for it and will be, more than ever, an expression of it at every breath.”

And let the pace pick up some more and let the ride continue…

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