Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Redefining education

A very important important thing for me is that children are guided to see the brilliance and the love that they are and to engage life from that place, from that inner truth. In order for that to happen, we, the parents, need to see our own brilliance. Only then will we be able to see it in our children.

When a child is allowed and invited to explore the magnitude of his true self, with no restrictions, opportunities for learning will present themselves naturally. The parents (teachers) need to draw on this natural rhythm and go with that flow. Human beings are curious in nature. The desire to learn is innate in all of us. But we have been thought that learning, education, and parenting need to happen a certain way, following a certain pre-establish structure. I propose we redefine learning by first of all considering education and parenting differently than we have been in the past decades. In my opinion, they are both part of living and shouldn’t be considered separately. One other thing I invite us to reconsider is how learning happens. Instead of thinking of it as the content to be learned has to come from an outside source, like a teacher or a book, what if all that needed to be learned stemmed from inside the child and all the teacher had to do is to create a space for that learning to unfold on it’s own terms? What if we replaced lessons with inspirations and outcomes with personal truths? Because in my experience, when initiated and engaged by the students, learning happens at quantum speed and joy and meaning are constants in the process. It is time we redefine Education for ourselves, for our children. Old habits and ways of doing need to be left in the past and a new a approach needs to be considered, one that reflects the brilliance of our children and the magnificence that we has human being are. Our children are brilliant and they are Love. Lets let them lead the way into a new area. We need it more than ever.


Louise LeBrun said...


What else is there to say....


Louise LeBrun said...

HI Anne,
I keep trying to send you an email and it bounces with your mailbox over quota. Do you have another email address I can use?
