Sunday, June 24, 2007

No stories

I didn't know that when I paint with my fingers, I create something more appealing, meaningful, and interesting than when I use a brush. My body contains so many mysteries and information it wants to express and demonstrate. It is another example on how my body knows more than my brain. “Don’t do it the way it’s suppose to be, do it the way it feels good.” I just painted a SUN and it looks nothing like what I had in mind. It’s way more vibrant.

I was talking to a friend this afternoon and instead of listen to the content of the stories she was telling about her sadness, I was looking out for her brilliance to peek out and when it would, I used that to guide her to herself. It was a neat feeling to be able to stay in a conversation that was going to make her grow rather than just validate what she was feeling. She is a person that came into my life recently and she reminds me of me at the end of high school. She cares so much about what other people think of her and she works so hard to be accepted and loved by people that she thinks are superior to her but really, who are just reflecting her own insecurities. I use to make myself crazy and sick wanting everyone to like me. I was digging a whole for myself. I was never satisfied and I never truly connected with people.

I am amaze at the power of not telling stories, not talking about the past, to be in the moment and only seeing the now as important. It's a life changer that one. I guess I feel now that not only do I have nothing to loose but the past and so much to gain, myself. With the glimpse of my higher self, the SUN that I am, I know how it feels in my body to be truly connected and I want that to be my everyday life. Being in the moment and not telling stories is what is going to help me live connected everyday.

I saw this afternoon how easy it is to help someone see the light in them self when I stay in the present. It's literally like I can’t hear the stories, the content anyway, but when the higher self peaks through, it's like a contagious ray that goes straight to my soul and I pick it up.

I am more confident in my abilities as a "healer" or a guide, I am not sure which word is best. I know that just being myself in the present will help people. I am the SUN therefore I shine. By shinning, I invite and allow others to see the SUN that they are. Because in my mind, everyone is LOVE.

I want to work with pregnant woman and mothers of very young children.

I will create opportunities for pregnant woman and mothers of young children to experience the immensity of who they are, and guide them in seeing for themselves how they can provide an open environment for there children.

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