Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Old friends, new habits

My friends just left my house yesterday and they were here visiting me from France and Ontario for a week. My parents arrived Friday and are still with us until Friday. It's been a full house, a joyful space and I feel lucky to have had dear friends and family with me, them getting to know Olivier and me, getting to discover more about them.

Right from the start, I shined the rays of my new found Sun. On the drive from the airport, my friends ask me what I have been up to, I said it all. Life Space, the Ideas Festival, the workshop and Huna. They couldn't believe so much as changed for me in such a short period of time. They were happy for me although they did not have the words to engage in conversations about what I do. They were a little surprised that an academic took such a creative and unpredictable turn.

Mid week, I found myself reverting to old habits when it comes to building rapport. I felt it was easier to discuss topics that we were all familiar with or had some knowledge of, which is fine, but I would find myself holding back on my true opinions because they would often generate a moment of silence, like the conversation had reach a dead end.

It became heavy for me after a few days and my energy felt drained. I became aware of what I was doing and became more mindful to stay connected and true. And I did. I am not sure what the consequences my openness and bluntness will have, but I trust that there is an intelligence at work in the rays I sent and even if I don't "know", I trust that I was a catalyst for change.

1 comment:

Annick said...

Bonjour Anne,

Je viens de me joindre a la communaute apres avoir suivi les trois premiers intensifs de maniere intensive ! Je commence a etre curieuse de lire la conscience des gens qui crivent ici. Ton profil m'a attire a cause de ta photo et de ta francophonie. Une vague a monte n moi en lisant ton dernier blog. Ton courage de rester avec les sensations dans ton corps et de t'ouvrir a l'information qui s'y trouve en presence de ton fils et de ton mari qui vit une autre realite me rapelle cette capacite en moi. Je sens de la reconnaissance d'avoir l'opportunite de te lire afin de me decouvrir davantage.
