Thank you for the warm welcome back Lori! I had an amazing experience in Kauai, but I feel just like after one of Louise's program... having a hard time reintegrating and going through withdrawal.
I took the opportunity of a trip to disconnect from my routine thoughts and opened myself up to the possibility of new ones.
Kauai was said to be the physical location of where Lemuria use to be, the ancient civilization that preceded Atlantis. I had heard that it might have been, but spending 12 days over there, I can say that I have never felt anything like it when it comes to heighten awareness and high frequency vibration. I have known and been curious about Lemuria for many years now. I knew that I had lived there in a past life and that the way we lived was a way I aspired to live in this lifetime.
My husband and I camped on the Island for 11 days. We had no plans; we decided to make the trip an adventure of living in the moment and trusting that the moment would show us the way. That decision brought a lot of freedom and trills for us; it also brought up fears I needed to work through. One of them was my fear of the immensity of nature. The beach we camped at the first night was deserted, the waves were furiously crashing on the shore and we were at the bottom of an immense vertical cliff. The shear grandeur of it still gives me goose bumps. The side of the island we were on at that time is where they filmed Jurassic Park... remember the shot at the beginning were they are flying in with an helicopter in to the mountains! I felt submersed by the intensity of the scenery and didn't feel very protected by the sheet of plastic that was my tent over my head. I came to realize that I was partly afraid of the immensity, the incoherence and chaotic nature inside myself.
Fron that point on, Paul and I decided to check in with each other often to make sure we weren't making decision out of fear but that we were taking decision because it was the right one at the moment.
The second night, we ended up deep, deep in the mountain on a deserted (again) camp ground. No live body for miles around and if it rained, we would be stuck there until it stopped because the roads were dirt and mud. And when it rains there, it pours. That evening, has we camped amist the wilderness, I felt more connected with the earth and grounded within myself than I felt in a long time. I met a magnificent tree and I, like I had dreamed of doing, smelled the earth around it! (For those who were in the writing retreat last December at Oceanstone, it was one of the things I would do if I could do anything. It would come up in my poetry) The smell was reassuring, simple, and complex at the same time. It smelt like home and it smelted like it knew more than I did, that I could and should trust something that smelt like that! (As a metaphor, of course) I felt that if I ever get lost within my world, I could smell the earth around a tree and it would show me the way. That night, I had a hard time sleeping. The noise of the forest was loud. At times, I was afraid animals would come and attack our tent. It's funny how I feel safer in a city, surrounded by humans. Really, who is more trustworthy?
The next three days we rented surfboards and that brought up a lot as well. Paul was bothered at the code of conduct you have to follow when there is 20 people on one wave. Not something that happens often in Nova Scotia. The whole social awkwardness and the intense politics it almost made him quit surfing for good. It was hard, but we found a wave with no one on it (I think I manifested it because the break wasn't there until I entered the water) and Paul followed me and we had a great time. Surfing is a metaphor for my life. The desire to ride the moment along with a fear that something so immense could swallow me up. When I am paddling in a new wave for the first time, when I look back and I see how much bigger and more powerful it is than me, the adrenaline in my body kicks in. If I am scared, the wave will do what it wants with my board and I. It can propel me in to a ride that will be completely directed by her or it can engulf me under the water until it passes. If I am not scared and I focused on feeling it's momentum underneath my body, on catching the belly of the wave and on standing on my board, I can make that ride my own. I can control it, direct it, while respecting the life that is propelling me forward. How do I want to live my life? Scared and controlled or in charge and confident.
After three days, we wanted to get ride of the boards because they were taking away from the spontaneity of the trip. We felt compelled to find the perfect spot and surf as much as we could because the boards were expensive and, ho ya… we were In Kauai. A weight lifted when we returned them. For the next few days, I felt very relaxed and most of all neutral. I didn't have an opinion about much. I definitely had tuned myself to the Island’s rhythm, very, very chilled and laid back.
As we were asking each other what was on our mind, I came to the realization that what is on my mind is for the most part, worry thoughts. When I asked Paul the question, he would have some kind of funny creative idea that was mostly implausible but was entertaining him, and me I have to say. When he would ask me the question, my answer was most of the time something I was worried about. I thought that was an interesting realization and the firsts step in changing that behavior.
The Friday before we came back, we met up with a woman who introduced us with HUNA. Having never taken any HUNA workshop myself, I knew a little bit about it but I was very interested in knowing more. We had a very long and fascinating conversation before she gave us a treatment, a conversation during which my assumptions about Kauai being Lemuria were confirmed. For my part, the treatment consisted in a download of Lemurian information that I felt was reinforcing my life's path and my vision. At one point during our conversation, I felt the colors of everything around me becoming brighter and I felt very light. I could see air! I could see our words! As I am writing this, I feel very nostalgic of that moment.
The next day, which was the day before we left, I spent most of it crying. Why, I wasn't sure at the time but tremendous sadness overcame me, the same that would come around at the funeral of a loved one. And since we got back, I feel a little depressed, annoyed, impatient. I guess I placed myself back into the boxes I had for myself here. I need to eliminate the useless behaviors that are holding me back, keeping me heavy and too tangible. Eliminate the non-constructive and non-productive thoughts or redirect them and focus them toward my vision.
I feel the need and the duty to recreate for myself and the people around me a way of life based in the laws of nature. A way of being that is a reminder of what it used to be to live in harmony, to communicate telepathically and having access to information at the same speed our bodies are able to assimilate knowledge at a cellular level.
I hold a culturally conditioned belief that doing nothing is a waste of time. If I don't have anything tangible, in a timely manner, to show for my work, it is a waste of time. If no one acknowledges it or agrees with it, it is a waste of time. If no one can understand it, it is a waste of time. This belief is ingrained in me, very deep. It has many layers that have been falling of one by one but there is still a knot to get to. What I want for myself is the ability to stand alone with the certainty that I am in the right place at the right time and that what I am doing is important, fulfilling and will make sense at some point in the future.
I will be back to Kauai!
Wow Anne. it was incredible reading because I felt like I was there.I could feel what you felt and fully understood the intensity that you felt.I believe that you will be at the right place at the right time when you're ready to take the leap.
It's always a pleasure listening to what you write and I could indeed hear it.
As we say on Kauai: you came here so you must've heard the calling. Kauai means "Come and be", for those who talk to Kauai it speaks in the language of flowers, waterfalls, birds and beautiful gardens.
Hi Ann.
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip and experience.I would love one day to visit a destination of sorts as to I have been told I lived in the Lemuria region in a past life. The information on Lemuria is very difficult to find and also limited.Thanks for sharing and please send me any future information you may have from Lemuria if you can or feel like it.I enjoyed your story of your trip and would look forward to future sharing.
Oh my gosh.
Hello Anne! As odd as this is, I'm a fifteen (almost sixteen) year-old and I am finding out my spiritual past in this time of my life.
I saw a channeler once when I was 13 and she told me I was from Lemuria, at the time, I had no idea what that was. My mom and I ended up purchasing a book on Lemuria and many things from the book seemed creepily familiar. Last summer, we went to Kaua'i, and I can't tell you how much it felt like home. I felt like my whole spiritual and physical body became centered, and I was very at peace.
When we left Kaua'i, the same thing happened to me. On the plane I bawled my eyes out, at the time I had no idea why until I found that Kaua'i is an old location of Lemuria. Ever since I knew I was going to go back there, it is just beautiful and I want to cry just thinking about it! Nice to know a fellow Lemurian is out there :) haha.
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