Friday, November 16, 2007

Huge shift

I have been thinking lately about relationships. . There are so many rules out there of what a healthy and strong relationship is and a bad relationship is. I always felt like I was immune to all those rules because I trusted my ability to connect and knew my boundaries, but lately, it has it me really hard.

I always have been very open minded in relationships because I believe that the person has the right to be who they are, regardless. Who am I to tell other human beings who they should be, who they should like? Freedom of being authentic is important for a healthy relationship, in my opinion. But how to deal when we feel the connection to which we have been use to is in jeopardy? What to do when, out of the blue, the head of the lioness comes out from deap down, blind sides us, and roars in protection mode and overpowers everything? And what does that say about me, about my ability to stand alone, knowing that I have everything I need within me to be whole and safe and immense.

I guess it is hard when we are faced with, for the first time, the possibility that we could choose to live without the people you thought were the most important to you. And it isn’t really the case but the ego holds on really tight to the idea that something’s are permanent, set in stone. It has to for a short while for our world to make sense, for that sense of safety. What we realize is that when those beliefs are let go off, nothing is gone but more is presented.

With the huge acceleration in evolution we has human beings are experiencing right now, the intensity and the punch with which these instant of latent creation occur can sometime be tricky to handle. I need to remember that it’s not about anyone else but me

I feel like I am going through a huge shift in belief and I need not to forget that on the other side, it's a better place, not a dark, lonely place. Because we are never alone, really.


Lori Walton said...

I can't believe the words I am reading here. Although they are from last week, I didn't read them until today.

In my conversations with Louise (the ones we are doing with my weight) we dove in deep to this one in yesterdays session.

Do you know who I am? Do you see me? Do you actually hear the words that come out of my mouth? Not to pay me lip service or pass me off dismissively.

It is important. I am important. This is the essence of me.

Ah bein ce tout pour maintant. Merci beaucoup pour les mots t'ecrite. (and forgive my mangling the language if I did)

CarJa said...

Bonjour Anne,

Je suis tombée par hasard sur ton blog l'autre jour et j'en suis restée bouche bé savais bien que tu avais changée depuis que nous étions copines au primaire mais ce que je lis me fascine au plus haut point. Je trouve tes textes très intéressants, très profonds, très touchants.

J'ai toujours été quelqu'un qui se pose beaucoup de questions, qui analyse chaque situation, qui essai de s'améliorer continuellement et je me rends compte que nous pourrions avoir des conversations fascinantes toi et moi. Je trouve admirable tous ces changements que tu opères en toi, même si je ne crois pas être capable de me rendre aussi loin, en tout cas pour l'instant. Pourtant, je te lis et tu mets des mots sur mes appréhensions et mes incertitudes...

Je te trouve très courageuse et que vais continuer de te lire...

ton ancienne voisine de la rue Lafrance,
